The perfect game for gen Alpha

Play this epic "Edventure" and save the planet

5 different worlds

The game has 5 worlds where players must play an adventure solving a major problem. Worlds include Robotics, Bio-Tech, Space-Tech, Design and Software Tech

solve real world challenges

The players must upskill themselves in order to solve challenges. The challenges include fighting rogue AI robots, finding cures for pandemics, exploring space and much more.

Learn STEAM skills while

Important STEAM skills are required to solve levels and missions. Skills like coding, robotics, electronics, algorithms, problem solving and much much more!

Game snapshots

With detailed environments inside and outside, the player is taken on an immersive journey of exploration, adventure, learning and saving the world


Each player has their own makerslab to train their robot for the upcoming challenges. The player learns to fix the robot, program it and eventually prepare it for battle against the rogue AI robots (Robotics world)

Drone factory

All the missions take place in the world and different buildings. In the robotics world, the drone factory is producing drones which are turning rogue. This must be investigated and halted immediately!

player character

The player character upgrades its gadgets while upskilling its capabilities. Each skill not only helps in the game but in the real world as well!

Detailed interiors

With detailed interiors the players can interact with the world and learn different skills. Inside the Makerspace the player can fix his/her robot, program and fix a few circuits, 3d model stuff and much more.

Detailed animations

The player experiences detailed animations and is able to interact and explore the beautifully designed indoor environments. The missions revolve around exploration, learning, fixing and fighting until the goal is reached.

the buddy bot sidekick

The Buddy bot sidekick helps the player in each world. The player needs to fix and program the robot first before it can start helping the player. As the game progresses buddy bot also gains more skills.

sneak peek

Try Me!

STEAM Edventures is a 2.5D RPG adventure game that consists of five domain specific worlds. Each world has domain specific multiple missions and challenges that the player must solve in order to complete the game and eventually save the world from a disaster. The five worlds are the Robotics world where the player has to fight a rogue AI, Bio-tech where the player has to fight a pandemic, Space-tech where space exploration is required, design tech where design saves the world! and Software tech where players explore a world of Tech.